乘时代之势、聚各方之力、融创新思路,打造体育产业发展新动能。以“聚力 融合 创新”为主题的2018(第36届)中国国际体育用品博览会,5月25日在上海开幕。位于青浦区崧泽大道333号的国家会展中心,这次展会呈现了体育用品制造行业全景风貌——展会的3天时间里,展区面18万平方米,超过1400家企业参展,超过12万人次的观众参展,享受这场视觉盛宴。、
Jingli sports took part in 2018 Shanghai sports Fair on behalf of Fujian provincial sports bureau. Vice President Wang Gang of Storm Video and Jingli sports CEO Ms.Chen Rongli (second from right), as well as product engineer Niko (second from left) .
Jingli sports presented their "future tennis academy" high-tech VR product was developed by Storm Video and the MagicTech and was highly appreciated by fujian provincial sports bureau leader Sanping Chen, he encouraged Jingli to apply for the provincial and state-level demonstration projects.
VR product display(homes screen). Tennis fans and visitors were lining up to try the demo VR product.
The general secretary of the organizing committee experienced the trail.
Niko, product engineer of Jingli sports.
The CCTV Craftsmanship Programme team selected two companies from the exhibition, among which, Jingli was specially invited for an interview including traditional projects of Jingli sports, APP and VR projects.
Ms.Chen rongli, CEO of Jingli sports, participated in the exclusive interview.
鲸丽很荣幸向阿里体育展示公司产品。展后,双方公司相互沟通了企业愿景和项目介绍, 阿里体育 副总裁张祖坤(右一), 亲自带领参观介绍阿里体育公司历程。阿里体育也十分赏识鲸丽的产品。
Jingli was very happy to present the VR Tennis and APP platfrom to Alisports. After the exihibition, Zhang Zukun, vice President of Alisports, personally led the visit and introduced the history of Alisports company, afterwards the two companies exchanged their opinions about sports industry and their projects. Alisport made a high remark of Jingli's product.
结语:2018体博会已经结束,鲸丽收获颇丰,结识了很多同仁前辈,鲸丽将继续与大家分享体育愿景。特别感谢奇幻科技公司同鲸丽参展, 我们会继续努力,砥砺前行,继续完善自己。不辜负同仁、客户、领导的期望和信任。2018,鲸丽会更好!
At the end: The 2018 sports fair is over, and Jingli has gained a lot. We met a lot of new friends and managed to share our vision for sport with many people. Special thanks for Magic VR to be such a great partner and join our team durring the exibition. We will continue to work hard, forge ahead and improve ourselves. To live up to the expectations, trust and support from colleagues, customers and leaders. Jingli will be better in 2018!